Friday, January 13, 2012

Martin Luther King Day ~ January 16, 2012

The George F. Landegger Collection of Alabama Photographs in Carol M. Highsmith’s America, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.

Welcome to a new calendar year at Dixon! This month, as we approach the national civil rights holiday, on January 16th, we are reviewing some of the events that have punctuated the civil rights movement in our country. Please come to the library and view the 3 D timeline and book display which spotlight Dr. Martin Luther King and his courageous leadership. He helped to guide so many to make the heroic efforts that were needed before simple freedoms and a sense of dignity could be enjoyed by a large number of our population. Those freedoms, even though promised by our constitution, were not given freely to all, in the beginning. It literally took years of blood, sweat and tears to make one small advancement at a time. Do we understand what has happened to bring us to where we are today? Do we understand why we honor Dr. King with a national holiday? Students I would love to give you a school spirit pen for taking a quiz and sharing a personal comment about the civil rights movement.  See you in the library.